Portuguese Podengo Pequenos of America, Inc.

Reporting Responsibly - All PPPA Committees

1.  Send a written report to the Board one (1) week prior to the Board

     meeting which is the last Wednesday of each month.

2.  Failure to submit a written report to the Board for three (3) months

     the Board reserves the right to seek a new volunteer as the

     Committee Chair and/or disband the Committee.
3.  Send a complete list of all committee members.  As a committee

     member drops off the committee or a new committee member is added

     advised the Board of the dropped member or added member.
4.  The Board has final approval of All committee chairs and members.
5.  There will be (1) person from the Board to act as a liaison for each

     committee to the Board of Directors.


 -Standing  Committees -

Judges Education Committee

The Judges Education Committee is responsible for approving Presenters, Mentors and scheduling breed education to prospective judges.  At this time the PPPA Board of Directors are this committee. 

 Health Committee
The Health Committee is responsible for the Collection and Investigation of all Health matters of the breed.  They will research testing and treatments for all know conditions and report progress to the club.  Recommendations should be presented to the Board on all health matter including but not limited to CHIC requirements, DNA testing, etc.

Sunshine Committee
The Sunshine Committee is responsible for sending out on a monthly or as needed basis, birthday, anniversary, or condolence cards.  These should be reported to the Board monthly.
Media Committee
The Media Committee is responsible for the upkeep of our Facebook pages, website, printed materials, advertising and PIP.  

Versatility Committee
The Versatility Committee is responsible for setting up criteria for a versatility title for dogs and owners who wish to participate.  This committee will also be responsible for upgrading these criteria from time to time and for keeping records of all dogs and owners who are eligible for these titles.

Fund Raising Committee
The Chairman of this committee should be able to put together fund raising projects to be sold in at the website store or other events. Monies from these projects can be designated to a specific project or for the general operating fund of the club.
